Harnessing Our Power Through Unity: A Call to Elevate Diverse Businesses

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Yesterday I attended the UK Black Business Show – a week long of activities highlighting the work, legacy and contribution of black people in the community. Hundreds of entrepreneurs gathered under one roof and as I stood on the mezzanine floor and looked over the balcony surveying the hustle and bustle below me… it was at that moment that the african proverb, If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together” came alive. Raphael Sofoluke, Michael Adeniya and the team did a superb job.

In every heart of an entrepreneur lies a spirit of resilience, an unfettered determination to bring forth change, to create impact, and to weave a tapestry of influence and inspiration – this is what happened at UK Black Business Show. Though hundreds turned out in the blazing sun (yes, sunshine in the UK in October 😮) there were still thousands of diverse business owners that DIDN’T attend because of indecision. How often do we find ourselves paused at the crossroads of decision, held in a quiet contemplation between action and inaction?

Those that didn’t make it lost out in making great connections. I already have meetings booked with The Walt Disney Company and Ralph Lauren in the week as well as supporting smaller diverse businesses by purchasing their products and amplifying their great services on my socials!

But we have another chance to be present and in the room!

This November, a beacon awaits at The Diverse Business Summit, and I invite you to ponder not merely the decision to attend, but to reflect on the power of unity, the strength in our varied stories, and the transformative change we can cultivate when we come together as diverse businesses, leaders, and innovators.

As many of us have witnessed, events and summits have the power to be much more than mere gatherings. They become spaces where dialogues morph into actions, where stories of trials and triumphs create a melody of empowerment and collective elevation for us all. This is the vision of the summit: I want to connect diverse businesses with corporate organisations… Why? To open up accessibility and true business growth!

The Diverse Business Summit isn’t just any event; it’s a vibrant ecosystem where your questions, your ventures, and your entrepreneurial spirit find not just answers but a community, a collective, that echoes your ambitions to work with larger organizations and supports your endeavors to increase your impact and income! We have attendees from all over the world and in every type of business you can imagine from shoes to art, coaching to aesthetics.

In moments of decision, like the one to join this summit, there’s an opportunity to build the bridges that connect. Get supported in pressing areas such as how to win corporate contracts but more importantly , how to KEEP contracts. What to say, how to say it, how to maintain dialogue, how to sustain relationships that provide a ROI.

Your presence, your story, and your entrepreneurial journey add an invaluable thread to this collective tapestry. When we, as diverse businesses and entrepreneurs, stand united as those that attended and contributed to UK Black Business Show, we do not just create opportunities for ourselves but pave the way for generations to come, establishing a legacy of inclusivity, empowerment, and sustained growth. We need to make this shift. It’s critical.

In each conversation, every shared insight, and through every forged connection at The Diverse Business Summit, you’re not merely an attendee but a crucial contributor to a transformative collective, demonstrating to the corporates that we can work together, we are credible, we are innovative and we can can meet their corporate needs as well as any other large and over resourced company! #FACTS

I invite you, not just as entrepreneurs but as changemakers and visionaries to step forward, to be seen, share your journey with others, participate in the roundtables with META, Lloyds Bank , JCDecaux UK, EY, and hear from experts such as Dr Carlton Brown, Mirela Sula, Claudine Reid MBE, Sukhi Wahiwala, Rupinder Kaur and of course Tim Campbell, hosted by Emmanuel Asuquo – TV Financial Adviser who have led the way – hear about the good, the bad and ugly!

Sponsored by Lloyds Banking Group with Jay Rohman and Khalia Ismain at the helm, embrace the collective, be a part of The Diverse Business Summit, and let’s weave a future where every business, regardless of size or scale has a place, a voice, and a path to increase social mobility.

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